"Oldboy" South Korean movie review | Silver Screen Surge
"Oldboy: Revenge and Redemption" Plot: "Oldboy" is a South Korean psychological thriller film revolves around the character Dae-su, played by Choi Min-sik, who is mysteriously imprisoned in a hotel room for 15 years without any apparent reason. Upon his release, he embarks on a quest for revenge against those who orchestrated his captivity. The narrative takes unexpected turns, blending elements of mystery, drama, and intense action. Park Chan-wook's direction is a standout feature of "Oldboy." He employs a unique and visually striking style that includes dynamic camera work, vivid colors, and meticulous attention to detail. The film is known for its long, unbroken takes and intense scenes, creating a palpable atmosphere of suspense. Performances: Choi Min-sik delivers a compelling and emotionally charged performance as Oh Dae-su. His portrayal effectively conveys the charac...